Friday, June 13, 2008

June 13th 2008

My second day, alive again. Thank god for those NecroTechs. I'm still a little stiff, but this guy I hid with last night said it would ware off soon. I left off in search of Fort Creedy. I found someone getting mauled by a couple of zeds and did my best to fend them off. Emptied my revolver into one before it looked at me. Damn I'll never get used to seeing corpses looking at me. It lurched at me and fell on the ground. I jumped on it's back and pounded it with the butt of my knife.

The other guy was getting pounded, I stabbed the zed but it grabbed me and threw me. I Poor fucker the zed was pounding on wasn't moving, so I just ran, nothing I could do for him. I finally got back to Creedy, last place I saw before that mob of zombies tore me a new one. The place looked impenetrable back then. Bastard guard, kicking me in the head.

I walked through the gate, covered in dried blood and swinging open in the breaze. The place smelled foul and dead. It didn't seem real. I wandered around the fort, looking for anyone else alive. Just a bunch of zombies. Zombies in the training yard. Zombies in the assembly area. Zombies in the armory. Fucking zombies. I knelt down and started to cry. A group zombies started moaning. I yelled at them and they all turned to face me. I've been dead once, I didn't want to go back to being dead any time soon, so I ditched the place. Ran out towards where I think the mall is.

The zeds came after me, so I ducked into the first barricaded building I saw.

Fucking zeds, I want Creedy back!

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